What is our Objective
Spreading Sri Viswasanthi Jyothirmaya Prabhuji’s teachings and messages
Providing educational assistance to poor and deserving students
Providing medical assistance to poor and needy
Supporting and providing food and clothing to the underprivileged
The very objective of Sri Viswasanthi Jyotirmaya Trust is to establish Universal Brotherhood by achieving tolerance of all religions which is the need of the hour
It is the ambition of our founder Master Sri Sri Sri Viswasanthi Jyotirmaya Prabhuji to lit the light of peace in the hearts of the entire mankind and to invite all the intellectuals who advocate world peace to join this mighty cause
It is also the main mission of our Holy Master (HM) to bring back to the light and spread the DIVINE KNOWLEDGE which existed at the time of Krithayuga (during the first phase of creation) with which our ancestors lived in total peace and harmony
To signify the tolerance among all religions of world, the emblem of Sri Viswasanthi Jyotirmaya Trust symbolically depicts unity of Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Zorastrianism, Confucianism and Buddhism